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WeFeel is a humanist project linked to the area of personal development Our aim is happiness, inner well-being, emotional expression and self knowledge. We promote and develop all kinds of activities that lead us to a more authentic life with others and ourselves. WeFeel as the name says, is a project that follows and stimulates everyone that follows the heart, that want to be in peace within, updated with their emotions. When we rescue the best we have inside, when we achieve this source of unconditional Love that exists in each one of us, we can then respect others and take this Love to the World.


WeFeel é um projecto humanista ligada à área do desenvolvimento pessoal O nosso maior objectivo é a felicidade, bem estar interior, expressão de emoções e auto conhecimento. Promovemos e desenvolvemos todo o tipo de actividades que levem cada um ao reencontro de si próprios para que vivam uma vida mais autentica consigo e com os outros. WeFeel como o nome diz em inglês, NósSentimos, é um projecto que segue e incentiva a todos os que seguem o coração, que querem estar em paz com o seu interior, em dia com as suas emoções. Quando resgatado o que temos de melhor dentro de nós, quando acedemos a essa fonte de Amor incondicional que existe em cada um de nós, podemos então respeitar os outros e levar esse Amor ao Mundo.

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SIC - Boa Tarde

sexta-feira, 15 de abril de 2011

When you awaken ...

When You Awaken,
You are no longer a Buddhist or a Hindu or a Christian or a Jew or a Moslem.
You are love, you are truth.
And love and truth have no form.
They flow into forms.
But the word is never the same as that which the word connotes.
The word "God" is not God,
the word "Mother" is not Mother,
the word "Self" is not Self,
the word "moment" is not the moment.
All of these words are empty.
We're playing at the level of intellect,
feeding that thing in us that keeps wanting to understand.
And here we are, all the words we've said are gone.
Where did they go?
Do you remember them all?
Empty, empty.
If you heard them, you are at this moment empty.
You're ready for the next word.
And the word will go through you.
You don't have to know anything: that's what's so funny about it.
You get so simple.
You're empty.
You know nothing.
You simply are wisdom
not becoming anything,
just being everything.

Ram Dass

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